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Fossil Aerosol Mining Project


  • August 53rd


  • Real Time 4.20.24 (Mansion Prayers)


  • Theme to Pillsburied (Mansion House Mix)


  • Horde


  • Nine Fragmentary Lessons


  • Rusted Articles 1874 from 1968 (2020 Reconfiguration)


  • Predicament Recordings Volume I 3.2020-5.2020


  • Predicament Recordings Volume II 2.2021


  • Zombi Traditions (37 Years)


  • Nigths and Profecy (Special Multimedia Edition)


  • Ballad for C19


  • Scaath Catfish


  • Archaeological Testing in the Land of Monkeys


  • The Recounting of Night Time


  • Objects of Disassociation Volume 1


  • January 18 2018


  • The Unlistening Place

  • Revisionist History

  • 3.2016

  • 1986

  • The Day 1982 Contaminated 1971

  • Telegnostic Devices

  • Some Historical Shrines of 1934

  • 17 Years in Ektachrome

  • Red Fades First

  • Three Days at Qurna

  • What is the Light of?

  • Very Early Fragments

  • Mutations and Synthetics

  • About Your Belief (remastered)

  • Environmental Adjustments, March 1997

  • Cassette Recordings 1983-1995 (remastered)


Programme en cours

