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alfa00 Canadian AAArtefact « Transmissions » . Slavek Kwi


17:00 – 18:00 / 05:00 – 06:00 PM

Chaque Jour sauf mercredi/ Every Day except wednesdays


(*Abstract Alien Audio Artefact)

A page of written Information in Human language is to an Alien simply an abstract ornament, in the same way as to Human ears sounds AAAArtefact as “music” or aesthetic sound-work. Both might carry the meaning in fundamentally different ways.

No name policy. The titles and texts are residues of thoughts attached to the process of creation. and are open to free interpretation.

Disclaimer: alfa00 renounces any kind of ownership, all sounds are free to exist as nameless. Paradoxically, you may claim your name if you wish to be credited, please.

alfa00 is disembodied, gender-less sonic entity of Slavek Kwi from Soundctuary Cappaduff on Atlantic side of Ireland. Soundctuary is a portal to all-encompassing free universe welcoming unconditionally all Sounds and Entities, regardless of origin, specie, gender, system of thinking and beliefs.

alfa00 024_sonic social media_24 hour in 1hour mix_information overdose

alfa00 023_sonic social media_interconnectivity, Hal McGee mail art & alarm clock of Naw

alfa00 022_AAzine_contemplation, meditation & timeblur

alfa00 021_ONI6 (Our Nebula Included Vol.6) Corrosive Tapes (scrambled)

alfa00 020_parallel & linear associations interwoven in stream of memories

alfa00 019_acurracy of emotion vs authenticity of intention_10_2023

alfa00 018_free sonic social media no name policy_10_2023

alfa00 017_deja vu, phantasy & distorted memories_July2023

alfa00 016_fairy tales, stories, messages in the stream of bubble-rap_30092023

alfa00 015_monologue & 1voice(s) ode to magnificent equity of all entities_07_2023

alfa00 014_long night & woods nostalgy (review behind the curtain)_09_2023

alfa00 013_stormwhispering, patterns of behaviour, ilusion of repetition & hope for future_09_2023

alfa00 012_lullabies, dreamwalking vs hyperage kitch_2020

alfa00 011_geopsyche, gravitational pulls towards syntropy & weatherwhispering_25092023

alfa00 010_amazon meganuran lovesong & frogporn festival_2015

alfa00 009_imaginary collaboration of the most famous anonymous band, the best sound artist & I_2016

alfa00 008_invasive specials new strain 2021 dead end_09_2023

alfa00 007_play, game, sport vs art_13092023

alfa00 006_what are crickets & hissing roaches hearing while I play_23082023

alfa00 005_Convergence Live Special from Milford House afternoon_12082023

alfa00 004_about AI, Convergence festival & interferences_08082023

alfa00 003_situAction p(art)y & light dances sound moves_20072023

alfa00 002_total disconnection or 1st attempt to connect_17072023

alfa00 001_intuition, inspiration vs plagiarism_14072023



Slavek is a sound-artist, composer and researcher whose main interest lies in the phenomena of perception as the fundamental determinant of relations with Reality.

He has been fascinated by sound-environments for almost 30 years, focusing on electroacoustic sound-paintings. These complex audio-situations are created mainly from site specific recordings in the last years, especially fascinated by tropical rainforests, resulting in subjective reports for radio broadcast, cinema for ears performed on multiple speakers, sound-installations integrated into the environment and performances. Interested also in free-music research as part of social investigation and employing the space and any objects it contains as musical instrument. His works oscillates between purely sound based and multidisciplinary projects.

From the early nineties Slavek has operated under the name Artificial Memory Trace. He has published many CD/LP-albums and contributed to numerous international compilations. His works are performed, distributed and/or broadcasted across Europe, North America, Australia and Mexico.

He facilitates experimental sound-workshops with autistic children and those with learning disabilities. The workshop technique places emphasis on extensive listening and the stimulation of creativity through observation and the support of natural tendencies. Currently he works in St. Brendanís Psychiatric Hospital and for The National Concert Hall in Dublin, Ireland.

Slavek Kwi was born in former Czechoslovakia, has been living 14 years in Belgium and from 2000 he is now based in Ireland.

Programme en cours

