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For UNRWA – Jessica Moss

13:46 – 14:28 / 01:46 – 02:28 PM

Chaque jour sauf mercredi / Everyday except wednesday

appears on RBO by Courtesy of Constellation

« There is not much I can say about this moment that hasn’t already been said. This pain, this despair, the anger and the disgust – and the fucking futility of all of those. Amongst the never-ending stream of horrors and injustices inflicted on Palestinians, witnessing our “countries” falling over themselves to defund UNRWA (based on what – based on NOTHING, based on a vapour of lies, based on being handed the easy, backdoor route to participate in this Genocide while not getting their own hands visibly dirty) was nearly incomprehensible in its cynicism. Cruelty beyond the imagination. And yet, comprehending is what we have to keep doing. We have to keep knowing. Keep learning. Keep finding each other in this – keep going.

I started playing solo late in life. Never imagined it was something I would do; thought I would be a bandmate/collaborator forever. But during Israel’s invasion of Gaza in 2014, feeling hopeless and angry I found myself alone with my instrument and pedals and for the first time, music just started pouring out of me. I discovered a voice there to howl my deepest feelings into, and have never wanted to stop since. That first music I ever wrote (simply called ‘Gaza’ at the time) sowed the seeds for everything that came after. Directly becoming *Entire Populations* (“Entire Populations / Entire Populations / Oh we don’t see… Shame on us./ Brings shame to us.”) and *Particles* (“Sounds of violence fill the sky / Darkening clouds are passing by…”) And the sentiment, the purpose, is woven through the rest.

Instrument as voice continues to be my best way to communicate, making music my best idea of how to commune. So here is my drop in the bucket offering, hoping it will join other drops until eventually we make it rain.

This live set is partly made up of reimagined pieces of albums, and the rest improvised.There is a small audience present, so quiet you can feel their breath, and the occasional shuffle or cough. You can hear my pedals click sometimes, and a few distorted moments due to a dirty volume knob; basically a true-to-life experience of being at a show.

Thanks for listening, please donate at your capacity. »


Jessica Moss, 29 February 2024

Programme en cours

